Andrew's Humour
Humour Archive

Since I'm too cheap to get pay for e-mail and have to use these free sites which require that all pages contain a decent amount of writing (to avoid massive download sites), this is my token text. You can stop reading right now because I can assure you that this isn't the most humourous part of the page! This page contains various humour files including: text, wavs, shockwaves, and sounds. Well, this should be enough, enjoy!

Shockwaves (Size: 520KB) (Size: 418KB)

Crapinthewoods.exe (Size: 275KB) (Size: 103KB)


Damn Computers.mpg (Size: 425KB)

Hot Headed.mpg (Size: 463KB)

Sexy Eyes.mpg (Size: 288KB)

Revenge.avi (Size: 499KB)


Typical Smoker.jpg